371031 Hornby Lms Suburban Passenger 176 Scale 00 Gauge Model Train Pack

Please view the photo(s) as it forms part of the item description. 371031 HORNBY LMS SUBURBAN PASSENGER 1:76 SCALE 00 GAUGE MODEL TRAIN PACK. The real work of the railways took place on a myriad of suburban lines across the country, especially in the great conurbations of the midlands. Flower's 4P 2-6-4T engine was a typical sight, especially on the longer distance commuter trains where it could be seen hauling sets of Stainer's 57' non-corridor suburban stock. This train pack recreates a typical suburban working, with Fowler 4P No.
2238 in LMS lined black and Stainer 57' non-corridor Brake Third coaches 20768 and 20769, with Composite 16592, in LMS lined maroon livery. LMS Non-Corridor 3rd Class Brake Coach'20768.
LMS Non-Corridor 3rd Class Brake Coach'20769. LMS Non-Corridor Composite Brake Coach'16592.