KATO N Gauge TV1 Unitram Basic Set 40-811 Model Train Rail Set

KATO N Gauge TV1 Unitram Basic Set 40-811 Model Train Rail Set. The product introduction package is smaller than the conventional "Unitram Basic Set V50" and newly introduced in a cosmetic box without a handle. With an endless double-track layout, it is possible to operate two trains passing each other.
Combination of orbital plates allows for easy expansion of layout. Straight track plate 124mm×2, curved track plate intersection R180×4 / Accessory kit... 3 types of electric stop parts, 1 × of electric stop seals, 4 screw × for electric stops, 2 media×n strips, 2 types of center poles (1 ×for straight lines, ×4 for curves), 2 types of road ×fences, 2 traffic lights ×, 1 street light ×, 1 unitram rehearr×, 2 tram feeders, 1 unijoiner ××, 18 tram ×joiners (28 including plate built-in), plate joiner A ×12 (20 including plate built-in), plate joiner B×4, common user manual×1 Double track spacing: 25mm Model railroads are a system that supplies power from rails. Batteries are not used even when running, emitting light, or lighting.
This product does not include batteries. No fuel is used for this product. This product does not include fuel. This product does not include paint. Most products are Japanese products and the manuals are in Japanese.
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