1960's Diecast Brass & Wood Train Passenger Car Orchard Valley 123 21 O-Gauge

1960's Diecast Brass & Wood Train Passenger Car Orchard Valley 123 21 O-Gauge. Body is Diecast, Wheels and some of the hardware for the Wheels are Brass, the bottom of Passenger car is Wood. This is very long at 21. Missing paint in spots and has scrapes from use and storage.
It's heavy, weighs almost 2 1/2 LBS and has very good detail. I have dated this to the 1960's because of one thing, it has two long clear plastic strips inside to cover the windows. The plastic has warped considerably over time. If they were added later, I would date this as far back as the 1920's because of the brass wheels. If anyone, especially a toy train expert could help identify the maker and year of this toy train passenger car it would be much appreciated, thanks.